Welcome to the end of week 4. Here you will post your completed learning activity and respond to 1-other learners’ post. Remember your response to your peers should be reflective. Avoid brief acknowledgements and agreements.
Activity 1: You will conduct a search of the literature to help you find evidence related to your research question from week 1. You will use the research tool your downloaded in week 3.
• Step 1: Create a list of search terms for each section of the PICO framework you completed in week 1
• Step 2: Chose an electronic database (you can use Google Scholar if you do not have access to other databases)
• Step 3: Enter your search terms into the database using Boolean operators (AND, OR, & NOT)
• Step 4: Filter your search to only include articles from the past 5 years
• Step 5: Identify two research articles related to your research question (Prime articles)
• Step 6: Complete the data extraction tool (Research tool) for each article and upload it to the discussion board. Write 2 to 3 sentences about your thoughts or experiences conducting a literature search.
Hello All,
We made it to the midpoint of the course. If you would like to meet with me virtually, please email me a few dates and times that work best for you. Past learners have found this helpful to share concerns, ask questions or to discuss pieces of the course that most interests them. I look forward to reading your search criteria and results that you export to the research tool to learn more about practice evidence and potential applications. Good luck!!
Jen C.
My search criteria I used in the CINHAL (EBSCO):
(seniors or older adults or elderly or geriatric or aged) AND (personal care OR nursing interventions OR personal care interventions) AND (reduce anxiety OR reduce aggression OR reduce aggressive behavi*r OR physical behavi*r OR verbal aggression).
I had a difficult time finding articles that were relevant specifically to providing personal care to older adults, I did find the information in the articles I selected useful in learning more about providing care to older adults with a diagnosis of dementia and who exhibit responsive behaviours.
Hello Rachel,
Thank you for sharing your experience and results from your literature search. You bring forward an excellent point! Literature searches can be challenging in the beginning when searching for information on a particular topic or to find information that addresses a specific research question. Sometimes we need to revisit and fine tune our search strategy. For example: You could try searching for articles with nurses or gerontological nursing AND personal care AND behaviour interventions ….
The first article you found is a protocol that outlines a proposed procedure informed by a narrative literature review. The information may be helpful,but further research and evaluation is needed to validate the protocol. Are there any specific interventions that might be useful in your practice or in your workplace to manage risk of aggression?
The second article is an integrative review. This type of review generally requires an evaluation of the quality of articles that is included whereas a narrative review does not. Where you able to access the full article to populate your research tool?
Hello Rachel,
Greetings. It was nice reading your post. I can definitely relate to the experience of searching for research articles. In my case, I spent hours. At first, I thought of the experience as tedious. It felt like mining, digging and drilling to depths below the surface to find hidden treasures.
But, as I take the time to reflect, it dawns on me that this could be the stark experience of research. As I think about it, elements of great worth like gold and diamond are never found on the surface of the earth. Miners usually need to dig and drill to great depths to access these. I realize that the rigor involved in finding relevant research articles is a necessity for the researcher to be able to amass enough evidence to prove or disprove a research question.
Second attachment
Hello everyone,
I used Goggle Scholar and the search terms I developed from my PICO question wasolder adults OR seniors OR incontinence episodes AND nursing interventions in long term care homes. I was having difficulty finding solely based intervention articles but did my best.
Hello Maame,
Thank you for sharing your findings. After reading one of your submissions, I am reflecting on the universality of nursing. It’s amazing to me that we can read academic papers from anywhere in the world (in this case, Egypt) and potentially apply those findings with success in our area of the world. It fills me with hope that we are all in this together, helping each other. Well done!
Also this is my second article below :
Hello Rachel,
I read both your articles and working with dementia patients can be challenging if you don’t have the right intreventions to implement or training. I personally work with dementia residents but I have recieved different types of training like Gentle Persuavive Approach, P.I.E.C.E.S and work training. You did a great job.
Hello everyone,
Greetings. Please, kindly see attached a Word document containing two completed research tools.
While it was challenging to find research articles relating to my topic, it was no doubt interesting. Actually, I would liken my experience with the literature search for the research articles to a time-travel experience. As I searched for hours to find suitable research articles, I tried to imagine the tenacity and persistence of researchers from centuries ago who had to endure much rigor to develop their research work. This is especially as early researchers did not have the internet at their disposal in their day.
I used the Google Scholar advanced search. I had to be creative in my wording and phrasing, sometimes even having to use synonyms. I also had to tweak the Boolean operators (AND, OR NOT), to achieve the right combination that would generate articles that related to my research question.