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    • #12382

      Reflection question: Effective cleaning and disinfection practices reduce the risk of transmission of infections to health care workers and patients. What can you do at your workplace to support effective cleaning and disinfection?

    • #12640

      Supporting effective cleaning and disinfection practices in the workplace, especially in a healthcare setting, involves several key actions:

      1. Educate and Train Staff: The role of healthcare workers is not just important, it’s pivotal in maintaining cleanliness and disinfection. It’s essential to ensure that all staff are well-informed about cleaning and disinfection, and are regularly trained on proper techniques, the use of disinfectants, and the correct procedures to follow. Your dedication and commitment to these practices are what keep our healthcare facility safe and effective.

      2. Follow Protocols and Guidelines: Rest assured, the protocols and guidelines we follow are not just any, but those from reputable sources such as the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO). These are the gold standards in our industry. Ensure that cleaning procedures are up-to-date and comply with these standards.

      3. The Right Tools for the Job: Selecting effective disinfectants against various pathogens is a critical step. Equally important is ensuring that these products are used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, including proper dilution and contact time. This ensures the effectiveness of your cleaning and disinfection processes.

      4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Provide and enforce the use of appropriate PPE for all staff involved in cleaning and disinfection tasks. This includes gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection, as necessary.

      COVID 19 Update | Arcadia Cottages.

    • #13260

      To support effective cleaning and disinfection practices I believe starts at advocating for the supply and efficient restocks of cleaning products. In many situations i have found that appropriate cleaning and disinfection was not being conducted due to missing or unavailable supplies. Supplies being not readily available in the current situation is another reason that I viewed cleaning not being done. planning to where cleaning products should be placed to promote its usage should be taken into account.

    • #14077

      As a healthcare worker, I can support effective cleaning and disinfection practices by complying with protocols for patient rooms, medical equipment, and high-touch surfaces, consistently using approved disinfectants, and following recommended contact times for each surface.
      – Perform hand hygiene frequently, especially before and after patient contact, after touching surfaces or equipment, and after removing gloves. This reduces the risk of spreading pathogens from surfaces to patients or coworkers.
      – Encourage patients and families to practice hand hygiene and follow infection control measures within the facility.
      – Wear appropriate PPE to protect against exposure to infectious agents. Dispose of PPE properly to avoid cross-contamination.
      – Work closely with cleaning staff to ensure that high-risk areas, like isolation rooms and high-traffic areas, are thoroughly disinfected and that any spills or contamination are promptly addressed.

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