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    • #4396

      1. How do your results compare to other similar studies?
      2. What were the lessons learned?
      3. What are your recommendations for practice, education, or research?
      4. What were the limitations to your study?  

    • #13551

      Welcome to the end of week 7. Here you will post your 2-completed learning activities and respond to 1-other learners’ post. Remember your response to your peers should be reflective. Avoid brief acknowledgements and agreements.
      Write an outline of a research report (maximum 2 to 3 pages).
      • Identify how the findings of your literature search compare or contrast across the different articles.
      • Describe what lessons were learned from the research articles
      • Provide recommendations for nursing practice, education and/or research
      • Describe the limitations to your study (e.g., literature search, research focus etc)

    • #13743

      Please see the response attached.

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      • #13772

        Hi Attila,

        Thank you for sharing the lessons learned from your literature review. Pain management is a very important component of a nurses role. When synthesizing the literature and presenting the findings (lessons learned) it is helpful to cite the articles and to note if the article findings are comparable, what are the differences, do you notice any potential gaps?

        When making recommendations remember to be as specific as possible. SMART goals are often helpful to clarify what “regular training sessions” are. Also, are there specific pain management modules that the literature recommends?

        Thank you again for sharing your research learning journey with in the area of pain management. Best of luck with your future research as an RPN.



    • #13749

      Research paper attached

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      • #13764


        Google Scholar is a great source of information. I often use Medline, Ovid or Pubmed to find articles of interest. You might need a subscription to those, but your institution probably already has it. You can create an account, save your searches, and later come back to refine your search strategy. You can define a more detailed approach to the search and you also can set up email notifications when new articles of interest are added to the database. They are great tools and very helpful to keep up with the incoming new research information.


      • #13773

        Hi Jennifer,

        Thank you for sharing a synthesis report with us related to patient adherence to wound care. As nurses we are continuously reflecting on our practice to better support the people in our care. It can be challenging when people are not accepting of evidence-informed treatments and interventions.

        Adding citations to the compare and contrast section and the lessons section would help the reader to follow along and provide opportunity to review the original sources for more information.

        Overall well done! Best of luck in your future research endeavors as an RPN.


        Jen C.

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