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    • #3777

      After reading and watching the video on the six sources of influence, post on the discussion forum what you feel personally has had the greatest impact when it comes to influence and why.

    • #11672

      I think all motivation sources (personal, social and structural) have a huge impact. Speaking for myself, I need to be motivated to do something, whether it is my own motivation or peers motivating me and of course “what’s in it for me” the structural motivation which is where the reward is. I don’t always need peer (social) pressure, but most of us end up giving in to peer pressure and “go with the flow” and/or to avoid conflict. I for one very rarely want to be the only one standing against the rest of my peers unless it is an issue or cause I truly stand by then I won’t waver on my stance or give in. If I or someone else can find a way to make an undesirable task or chore or job desirable then I will easily conform. If there is a reward to be gained from making a change, and it’s a positive reward or a solution/resolution I will easily conform again.
      I see this at work every day. We make the majority of the decisions in regards to our work flow and processes as a team not as individuals. (Social) When it comes to our individual assignments/ caseloads, we normally make the decisions on our own making sure the end result is in the patient’s best interest and we are doing everything to help them achieve their goal. (Personal and Structural)

      • #11993

        Good observation in the different ways we make decisions based not only on our personal motivation but in do what is in our patient’s interests. I think doing things for our patient’s best interest falls under not only our personal motivation but also under all six influences of change when it comes to nursing practice.

        • #11998

          I agree that doing what is best for patient and trying to stay true to their wishes does greatly become influenced by the six influences of change. I find many patients want to stay home for palliative care but need a lo t of education of what this will involve and how much support they can expect from the palliative nurse. Some patients certainly cope better than others.

    • #11958

      I definitely think that all the sources have a huge impact on peoples influence. The biggest one I think is structural influence if people have a structure set in place then they will be able to do the job in a way that was set out for them. It will become routine for them in a daily work environment or just in a daily routine we all need structure in our lives. For me it’s more personal, I have a job to do and I set myself up to do that job the way i choose too. I watch nurses daily struggle to get the simplest tasks done and I say to myself what are they struggling with and when you ask them id they need any help its most of the time a no. When I was a student I had a nurse train me to be organized and efficient at my job and if i do that everyday then it becomes a structural routine for me. I have a routine about how I do my assignment everyday and yes it gets busy at times but I am there for 12 hours so I learn to keep my cool and I don’t let it stress me out I have learned to look at it as I have the whole day to finish my job.

    • #11991

      I think that all of the sources, personal, social and structural make a big difference. I think when there is little structural support, it can be difficult to do your job. In my job, a big part of keeping clients staffed is making sure that structural factors are in place, such as making sure workers are not driving all over the place when client’s can be seen in a different order, or keeping workers working near their home. I also think social factors make a difference too, because you need buy in for any idea to work and most people do not want to go against everyone’s it makes it less likely that an idea will succeed.

      • #11995

        Structure is important for many of us. I love working remotely from home and I am very disciplined in that I don’t allow for distractions during my work hours. I have a few colleagues who found having to work from home wasn’t easy, too many distractions and not enough structure. Once COVID was over and there was the opportunity to go back to the office, some of them went back right away. It’s a big adjustment and you have to organize your time and have a quiet space devoted solely to you during your work hours. For some, it’s just not feasible and, being in the office offers more benefits and routine and the desired structure they want.

    • #11992

      I feel a combination of Structural Ability and Personal Motivation would be the most impact in influencing me to change. I tend to self motivate toward change but find it easier to initiate and stick to the change if there is a structure in place. Also if the structural ability were removed it would be easy to fall back into old behaviours.
      Social motivation and ability I feel play a larger role in bringing awareness to the need for change but as an extrovert, I think my main source of motivation is from myself.

      • #11997

        I’m the same I find I motivate myself to do things in my job so I’m good at working on my own but I am always around if people need help or need to be motivated to do their job.

    • #12024

      The two influences I believe have the greatest impact for change to me personally is personal motivation and social motivation. I like to motivate myself to new learn things to better myself not only in my personal life but also professional life which I feel like it’s important. Also with social motivation when everyone on the unit is supportive of eachother , lifiting others up when down makes the environment a better place to work in.

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