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    • #3366

      Post in the online forum your thoughts on the area you need to develop and what you can do to enhance your EI skills.

    • #13254

      The emotional intelligence quiz identified that I need to work on self-regulation. My job involves advocating for my clients, which often places me in stressful and confrontational situations as I navigate the complexities of the healthcare field on their behalf. Self-regulation is very important in my role, as it allows me to maintain composure and make clear, rational decisions, especially during challenging circumstances. Some of the ways I can improve this include:

      Mindfulness and Stress Management Techniques, Seeking Feedback and Reflecting, and Self Care.

      • #13306

        Hi Alhasan,

        I like how you highlighted the need to continue to build and develop the emotional intelligence of self regulation within your role as a health navigator for individuals. I am sure you are faced with many situations that can be confrontational and emotional and being strong in your ability for regulating emotions would only serve you and your patients well. While I am sure you are quite proficient in your ability of self awareness, I like how you are able to be self aware and understand how complex your role is an the skills needed to continue to do your job well and with job satisfaction. Thank you for all of your posts! I have enjoyed reading and commenting on them throughout this course.

    • #13305

      The emotional intelligence quiz identified that the area I seemed most to struggle was within the 4 th level of emotional intelligence of emotional management. I did not find this a surprise as I was aware of how I have historically emotionally responded to frustration and or conflict. In my role and within our facility, we work collaboratively and need to be understanding of other peoples views and practice. At times we may differ on what PRN medications are used and how a concerning symptom may be addressed, and need to manage my feelings regarding at times. While I feel that over the years I have made vast improvement in my self management and response to disagreements/acceptance of others opinions, it is definitely a work in progress!

      Ways I can improve on this aspect of my emotional intelligence is through managing frustration by working on accurately perceiving and evaluating emotion and stress management. Self care is also very important.

      • #13308

        Hi Claire,
        Thank you for sharing an area that you have struggled with in regards to emotional intelligence. I like how you were able to relate back to times in your practice historically where you may have reacted emotionally to a situation and that you are self-aware to these situations and able to reflect on what could have been done differently. I think you did a great job explaining how you can reduce and manage these emotions going forward.

    • #13307

      An area I feel I need to continue developing and that came up in my EI quiz was social skills. I was not totally surprised by this as naturally I’m a very quiet, shy and soft spoken individual and not naturally a “People person”. I also tend to shy away from negative/awkward social situations and am not the best at addressing conflict. I have always been uncomfortable in social situations even throughout school. A way I can develop and enhance this EI skill is by improving my communications skills. When completing the Mindtools EI quiz it also had the option to complete a communication quiz which I did. When completing this I was able to see where my communication skills were lacking and ways to improve them. It also showed steps to a great communicator, listener, writer/reader.

      • #13319

        Hi Melissa,
        I can appreciate you sharing that you were able to identify areas of improvement and going the extra mile to seeking more information. Much like you had chosen to identify areas of improvement for your communication, I too and looking to improve my need to reflect and ask for help. You sharing the last piece that you took an extra step pushed me to look into some ways I can improve upon myself too.

        Thank you,

    • #13318

      After completing the EI activity quizzes, I was not surprised in the results. I feel I am very well rounded in all areas. If I take a moment to reflect, I find it difficult to focus on an area to improve upon, but asking for help is indeed my downfall. I am so focused on the task at hand that I forget to take a moment to reflect on the impact on myself. I have a very difficult time asking for help as I do not want to cause others any inconvenience. I seek help when I feel I genuinely can no longer complete the task at hand alone, whereas I’m sure if I asked sooner, I would be able to be more productive with the time I may save by just asking for some help. Taking a moment in the moment to reflect is something I feel I can improve on.

      • #13329

        Hi Rebecca,

        I can relate to your response as my results are similar. I also have a hard time asking for help, it is definitely my area for improvement, I have struggled with this my entire life. I have been able to overcome this somewhat with the new team I work with. I can thank my new leader for that as it is something she promotes and will tell me its okay if I need to ask for help it doesn’t mean failure.

    • #13330

      My scores suggest that I’m performing quite well in emotional intelligence. My self-awareness and interpersonal relationships are above average. I take pride in my achievements, generally maintain a positive mood, and view the world optimistically. However, there is still room for growth. At times, I feel I could accomplish more. Asking for help has always been a challenge for me and I work on this everyday in all areas of my life. My new team makes it easier to ask for assistance when needed and instead of feeling like a burden for asking they are supportive.

    • #13368

      Hi all. When it comes to my EI quiz, I did okay; however, I still need to improve my ability to make decisions and resolve conflicts. Since my own life has impacted these skills, As an illustration, I personally dislike disagreements. I make every effort to avoid being around when there is a disagreement. I now realize that avoiding problems won’t solve them. I think it takes a mix of abilities to be a truly exceptional leader. My understanding is that experience is the cornerstone of leadership, so we should push ourselves to keep improving and learning new skills from various sources. 

      • #13804

        Hi Ruth,

        thank you for sharing. I completely understand your post. I too, do not like disagreements. I also understand that avoiding them will not fix the issue, so finding the balance of being able to keep yourself comfortable, as well as active listen to help resolve the issue in the disagreement is key. I believe this is something we can learn and develop as a leadership skill with some practice and self discipline. Thanks for sharing!

    • #13370

      From the activity quizzes online, I am well rounded with room for improvement, but from what I perceive and know, is that communication is my barrier. I find myself as an invertebrate in most confrontational issues. I have grown through the years with EI in both personal and work life. According to the PLDP my creativity and ability to adapt to different roles or tasks are my strengths. I might make better use of these strengths by mentoring, coaching someone, or supervising. I need to learn conflict-resolution and better delegation tactics in order to not feel ignored, disregarded, neglected or forgotten. To strengthen my less-developed abilities I can seek out podcasts, role-play, or seek support from my mentor. I will include webinars, workshops, conferences to overcome the blocks to success. I plan on using my diaphragm muscles when speaking to assist my soft tone of voice. Also, by committing to take 10 minutes of my day to huddle for open communication by the end of the shift, I feel this may contribute to a more productive communication.

    • #13371

      I liked your post and can relate very well. Its not easy being thrown into a position that you are not accustomed to. Wishing you well in both personal and work life!

    • #13803

      When I completed the E.I quiz, I scored a 3/4. my score indicated “You are doing fairly well. Your self awareness and relationships are above average. you have achievements you are proud of, are generally in a good mood, and see the world in a positive way. There is still room for improvement in all areas and there are times when you feel you are capable of doing / achieving more than you have”.

      When I first received these results, I was a little shocked, but upon reflecting I agreed with it. I could definitely improve on my social skills and relations with others. I usually always try and see the positive in situations that may be “difficult” but it can sometimes be hard, however I do have a wonderful support system; either with family or co workers. I feel I can do more in my career since I am just at 2 years in of being a nurse, And I look forward to the possibilites in the future of what I can achieve.

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