Is there stronger evidence available?
Go back to the literature and find 2-3 additional strong prime research articles (e.g. RCT or literature review) to support your research question.
You now have 4-5 prime articles on your research question
Reflect on the evidence you have found related to your research question. Is there stronger evidence available that could potentially be more useful?
Jen C.
Since my original search criteria yielded only two results, I had to open up the search filters to get more results that were still relevant to my research question. To achieve that, I removed the 5-year time limit as initially stipulated. This search resulted in two additional articles. Please see the attached document.
Yes, Confidence and understanding will absolutely play a role when dealing with barriers when it comes to managing chronic wounds and nonadherent patients.
Article 1
venous leg ulcer, AND patient experience, AND adherence
Frontiers | Patient Explanation of Adherence and Non-Adherence to Venous Leg Ulcer Treatment: A Qualitative Study (
Article 2
Wound care AND Barriers AND Patient knowledge
Knowledge, attitude, perceived barriers of hard-to-healed wound care and the association with confidence: A cross-sectional study among community nurses – ScienceDirect
How did you come up with the second set of queries? Are they based on the results of the first query? Did you try to mesh the two search terms using and/or/not operators? Was this a Google search, or did you use one of the research databases?
I originally had a few terms that I was using and then just used them in different terms
Wound management, interchanged with wound care, chronic wounds , venous leg ulcer
Adherence interchanged with non-adherence, noncompliance barriers, Patient knowledge
and essentially just changed these words are with AND
I used Google Scholar for all of the research articles