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    • #2343
      It Team

      Learning Outcomes

      To understand the inherent difficulties in making changes to provincial health care systems.
      To describe the factors that led to health care reforms in Ontario and other provinces, including the various forms of regionalization in each of the provinces.
      To understand the rationale for and implications to nursing and health care recipients of the health care reform policies in Ontario.

      Learning Activities

      1. In preparation for the discussion please find out about current health policy issues; again, listen to the news and review recent national newspapers or magazines. Think about the health care system in your area and how it has changed in the last 5 years. Also, read the required readings.

      2. The following are some questions to consider and to guide discussions during WEEK 3:

      How do Ontario’s Local Health Integration Networks differ from other provinces’ regional authorities? How are they the same? How do they impact the decisions made in your organization?
      Who is driving health care reform and why?
      To what extent do you think the health care reform agenda is influenced by local issues and/or driven by international experience?
      Where do the different perspectives on the “crisis” of health care and “sustainability” of Canada’s health care system come from?
      What Quality measures does your organization/unit/department measure?
      How are these Quality Measures determined in your organization?
      What are the pros and cons of tying Senior Executive salaries to quality metrics?
      Should nurses’ salaries be tied to the quality outcomes they achieve?
      Think of examples from your practice where health care reforms in the province have affected the nursing profession and/or the patient population you provide care to. What and/or who played a part in influencing the policy decisions and did nursing have a “voice”?

      Participate in the weekly online discussion.


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